New version released

New version released

(May 15th 2023)

We are thrilled to announce the latest update of our RS Series motion system.

While we had focused the last update in Jan 2023 on providing the “plug n play” experience (by providing fully pre-configured drivers and high quality cables), this latest update is all about refining the look of the RS Series and enhancing the eRacing Lab branding.

The RS actuator is now made with the brand new eRacing Lab logo, beautifully CNC-engraved onto the iconic unibody motor mount.  This subtle enhancement on branding is our statement and commitment in making high quality product, and providing exceptional services to our customers around the world.

And as a final touch, the coupler that links the motor and actuator now gets the same anodized treatment, and comes in black as well to provide a more unified look.

We are extremely excited with this update and want to get this to the hands of our customers ASAP. So all RS Series products will be shipped with this latest update immediately.